2012년 11월 5일 월요일

[Shinchonji-Lee Man Hee] Law, politics, and order


The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji 
– The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

Law, politics, and order
Are there any politicians whose eyes and ears are opened in both the physical world and in the spiritual world (i.e. churches)?
It is easy to find countless deceitful and slanderous posts on the Internet these days. The mental, physical, and even financial suffering that these false posts cause for organizations and individuals alike cannot be over-emphasized. Reputations of of these organizations and individuals have been damaged by the constant electronic onslaughts. For whom do the law, politics, and social order exist? If they cannot maintain control of public safety, shouldn’t we say they are in darkness? When the ears, eyes, and hearts of those working in the legislative and the administrative branches of government are in darkness, it is as if they do not even exist.
The world has become a place where true religion from heaven is ignored and the arbitrary, authoritarian religions of humanity are welcomed. Noah came out of Adam’s world when it became corrupt; Abraham and Moses came out of Noah’s world when it (the world of Canaan) became corrupt; Jesus came out of Judaism (Physical Israel) when it became corrupt corrupt; Protestantism emerged from Catholicism when it became corrupt. Today, Shinchonji Church of Jesus (SCJ) has come out of the depraved Protestant religion according to the Bible and Jesus’ commands.
The priests and people of Judaism persecuted Jesus, calling him a cult leader and the devil himself (Jn 8; Acts 24). In the same way, the Christian Council of Korea, which is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church and Christianity (i. e. Protestantism), is persecuting SCJ Church of Jesus. They call us a cult without any biblical evidence for their accusations. There are two main reasons for this persecution. First, SCJ does not follow their regulations. For example, we disapprove of their policies regarding the ordainment of pastors who have graduated from seminary. Second, SCJ has received the spirit of the Counselor and has mastered the Bible. After having received the spirit of the Counselor, SCJ began teaching people the Bible, and since then, Presbyterian believers have been flocking to SCJ (Jn 14; Jn 16; Rv 10).
The Presbyterian Church was founded by John Calvin, and the Christian Council of Korea (CCK) is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church. Just like Calvin, conversion education pastors from the CCK have been assaulting and holding people in small studio apartments against their will. These so-called conversion education pastors put bandages on their prisoners’ lips to gag them. They handcuff the prisoners’ hands and feet. After ensuring that their captives cannot escape, these pastors begin their forced conversion education program. In some cases, when their captives refuse to convert to the Presbyterian Church, these conversion education pastors have even committed them to mental institutions. Can you imagine how terrified these victims must have been? There are some victims that have been able to escape the conversion education program to tell their stories, but the conversion education pastors try to blame the entire situation on SCJ. Now that you know the story, does this make any sense? Is it SCJ that has caused the problem? There was even one case where a husband beat his ex-wife to death because she refused to change her religion. These incidents have revealed the true identity of the CCK, who are working under the traditions of Calvinism. The murder that occurred because of the conversion education program is a continuation of the persecution and death of God’s prophets and apostles in the Old and New Testaments (Mt 23:34-37; 1 Thes 2:15; Heb 11). Calvin was a murderer too, and this tradition can be clearly seen in the actions of his followers, the pastors who belong to the CCK. Even more inexplicable, these pastors claim to be cult experts and “cult terminators.”
According to a recent survey on religion, the general public regards Christianity as the least trustworthy religion. How can the CCK still claim to be the light of the world with apparent disregard for the results of surveys like this? This is why the relationship between SCJ and CCK is confrontational. Instead of cooperating, SCJ is striving for righteousness and fairness.
Let us discuss the difference between the law of world and the law of the heaven. The law of the world is created by the men and women who work in government legislative bodies. The law of heaven, on the other hand, is created by God. Speaking on behalf of God, Jesus declared, “The word I have spoken will judge him at the last day,” (Jn 12:48b). Upon hearing from Jesus, Apostle John also testified, “The dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to their deeds,” (Rv 20:12b). Outward believers and inward believers (Rom 2:28-29) will be distinguished at that time of judgment. Look carefully! There is not a single passage in either the Old or New Testament that says people can become pastors who are allowed to teach only after learning at a seminary and being ordained. Did the Old Testament prophets, Jesus, or his apostles ever study at a seminary? Were they ever ordained as pastors. Regardless, they still mastered the Bible with the help of the holy spirit. Aren’t today’s theologians and pastors also learning from the books that the prophets and apostles recorded?
Who’s testimony must be the truth: those who have mastered the deepest things of heaven after receiving the holy spirit (1 Cor 2:10; Acts 1:8) or the pastors who have been ordained by seminaries established according to man-made traditions? Some Christian pastors have even been appointed through bribery. There are people who have never even set foot into a seminary that have been appointed as pastors and as denominational representatives. If this is what is happening within Christianity, how can they still claim to be orthodox? CCK claims to be orthodox, but these are the types of actions they carry out. Do you think believers under these kinds of pastors will attain salvation?
To all believers in this generation! Please examine your own pastors. The Bible should be our teacher; it should be the spiritual path on which we walk. God and his word are the only things we can trust. Those who do not know the Bible do not know God; they cannot see the path. Since the spirit of the Counselor is in SCJ, SCJ has been able to master the Bible and is testifying about the revealed word (Jn 14; Jn 16; Rv 10).

댓글 1개:

  1. Who has the hold spirit? We must find out the man who has it. Because he is the only man leads us to the God.
