2012년 11월 27일 화요일

[Shinchonji-Lee Man Hee] Covenants and the new covenant

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
– The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

Covenants and the new covenant
Main reference: Jer 31:31-32
God made a covenant with his people in every generation through his chosen pastor.
After creating Adam roughly 6,000 years ago, God made a covenant with Adam. The covenant concerned the fruit of the tree of life and the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gn 2:9, 17; Gn 3:22).
The serpent, however, deceived Adam and Eve into breaking their covenant with God. Because they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve were cursed and expelled from the Garden of Eden (Gn 3). Eventually, Adam’s world was destroyed by the waters of the flood (Gn 7). After the devastation of Adam’s world, God anointed Noah and made another covenant with his generation. Despite God’s attempt, Noah’s son Ham sinned and was cursed along with his son Canaan (Gn 9:18-27). Consequently, the world of Canaan—the world of Noah’s descendants—was later destroyed as well. After the time of Noah, God made promises through Abraham (Gn 15) and fulfilled those promises through Moses four generations later (Ex 12). After fulfilling the promises he made through Abraham, God made another covenant with Moses (Ex 19:1-6). Afterward, God made another covenant with Joshua and the Israelites (Jos 24). He commanded them to enter the land of Canaan and annihilate the seven tribes that lived there. Although the covenant they made forbid them from worshiping any other gods, Solomon—the son of David by the gentile woman Bathsheba (2 Sm 12:24)—established shrines for countless gentiles gods. King Solomon bowed down to the gentile gods in those shrines, breaking the covenant he made with God just like Adam did (Hos 6:7). Because the covenant was broken the entire nation of Israel was destroyed (1 Kgs 11).
God proclaimed to Jeremiah how unfaithful the Israelites had been in failing to keep their covenant. God also prophesied through Jeremiah about establishing a new covenant (Jer 31:31-32). About 600 years later, God came to his son Jesus and established the new covenant through him (Lk 22:1-30).   
In the Bible, Jesus was the true spiritual vine (Jn 15:1-8). He established the new covenant through his flesh and blood on the night of Passover. Those who keep the covenant by eating the fruit of the vine, which represents Jesus’ and flesh and blood, will live for eternity (Jn 6). Jesus’ flesh and blood will be eaten again when the kingdom of God comes down on earth. Jesus’ flesh and blood, which we must drink and eat, represent Jesus’ words. Since God is the word (Jn 1:1-4), the son born of that word must also be the word (1 Jn 1:1-3). Since he left to take away the sins of the world, we can no longer eat Jesus’ flesh or drink his blood. It is only when he returns to us that we can hear (i.e. eat) his words again (Mt 26:29; Lk 22:16-18; Rv 10).
When and where can we drink the blood of the new covenant?
We can drink the blood of the new covenant at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment.
Jesus was the one who overcame at the time of the first coming (Jn 16:33). God and heaven came to Jesus (Jn 1:32; Mt 4:17) and fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies (Jn 19:30). At the second coming, the time of Revelation’s fulfillment, God, Jesus, and heaven will descend upon the one who overcomes (Rv 2; Rv 3). In addition, the holy city of New Jerusalem will also descend upon the new heaven and new earth where the one who overcomes is (Rv 21:1-7). This is the place where the blood of the new covenant can be drunk. The New Testament will be completely fulfilled through the one who overcomes (Rv 21:6). God’s kingdom (his twelve tribes) and God’s priests (his true pastors) will be created as people are purchased by the blood of Jesus (Rv 5:9-10). Countless people will come out from every tribe, people, nation, and language after washing themselves in the blood of Jesus. By doing so, they will also become the people of heaven and will attain salvation (Rv 7:9-14).
The statements above are promises in which we must believe. It should be made clear that all these promises can only be fulfilled through Jesus’ blood of the new covenant. Believers whose hopes are set on heaven should not be bound by their own pastors and prophecies. It is time for all of us to seek and believe in the place where the promises of the Bible have been fulfilled (Mt 7:7-8). Shinchonji—The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony— is the only place in the world where the New Testament is being fulfilled (Rv 21:1-2; Rv 15:2-5). 

댓글 3개:

  1. 세계는 신천지로 신천지는 세계로

  2. We must . must keep our covenant with God.
    We must keep the New Testament's covenant.
    Then we could receive Jesus' come the second time.
