2012년 7월 28일 토요일

[Shinchonji] The life of faith and the end of the age


The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji 
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
The life of faith and the end of the age
Is the scriptural “the end of the age” the end of religion or the end of all humanity?
The end of the age is the end of believers. The world-wide end will occur one thousand years after Jesus returns. Even as this world-wide end takes place, however, true believers will remain and will receive blessings – this is what the Bible testifies (Rev 20). What has Jesus told Christians about the generations to come?
I’d like to ask some questions to people who are confident in their biblical knowledge, people who claim to be orthodox, and people who claim to have already been saved and to have already received the holy spirit. Please answer the following questions:
     Who persecuted and killed the Old Testament prophets God sent to his people? Why did they kill the prophets? (Mt 23:34-35)
     Jesus was the son of God. God was dwelling within him. Who persecuted and killed Jesus and his disciples? (Mt 27; Ac 7)
     Who killed the two witnesses who stand before the Lord of the earth at the second coming? (Rev 11:1-10)
     Who destroyed the temple of Jerusalem? (Mt 24:1-29)
     Who defeated the congregation members of the Tabernacle Temple (heaven), forcing them to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead? (Rev 13)
     Who are the kings of the earth that have committed sexual immorality with the prostitute? Who are the inhabitants of the earth that have became drunk with the wine of her adulteries? (Rev 17:1-5)
     What does “the maddening wine of adultery” represent? What are the boundaries of all the nations that have fallen? (Rev 18:2-3)
     What are the goods of Babylon by which its merchants grew rich? (Rev 18:3)
     Who are the people that became rich through these Babylonian goods: who are the captains of the ships, the sailors, and all who make their living from the sea? (Rev 18:15-19)
     Who are the people from the deceived nations that marry the devil? When and where does this marriage take place? (Rev 18:23)
     Babylon refers to the seven heads and the beast with ten horns. The seven heads are seven mountains and seven kings, and the ten horns are ten kings (Rev 17:7-12). No one who receives their mark can go to heaven. When and where does this group of the beast appear and who are they? (Rev 14:9-11)
Jesus asked, “When the son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Lk 18:8). If this is the case, how can people claim, “We are living at the end of the age. We are orthodox. We have been already saved and have received the holy spirit,”? If they really have received the holy spirit, why do they not understand the meaning of the scriptures? Does the holy spirit not master even the deepest things of God (1Co 2:16)?
     According to Jesus’ words in Rev 12, it is only when God’s people fight against and defeat the group of the dragon that God’s salvation, kingdom, power, and authority can finally come. When is this time?
     It is only after the sun and moon go dark, after the stars fall from the sky, that the 144,000 of the 12 tribes and the great multitude in white robes appear (Rev 6-7). Can people obtain salvation without belonging to these 12 tribes? Is it even relevant to call someone orthodox – to say that they have already obtained salvation and received the holy spirit – before the 12 tribes are established?
     Anyone who yearns for salvation must ask such questions. Rev 16 declares that evil spirits that look like frogs come out of false prophets. These evil spirits gather all the kings of the earth to battle against God and his people. Who are these kings that belong to the evil spirits? (Rev 16:13-16)
It was and is the pastors or religious leaders of each generation who killed the prophets of the Old Testament whom God sent. They killed Jesus and his disciples. They killed God’s chosen people – the people who participate in the events of Revelation – and the two witnesses at the second coming (Ac 7:51-54; Lk 20:9-19; Rev 11). Let us humble ourselves rather than trying to lift ourselves up higher. Let us also repent and believe the word with obedience.
Believers of the end of the age must seek the 12 tribes (Rev 7) and the one pastor who receives the scroll from heaven (Rev 10). They must seek the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony because it is the place at which those who overcome gather and the place to which all nations must come and worship (Rev 15). Just as it has been throughout the last 6,000 years of biblical history, people can escape from death and achieve life only when they find the place where the Bible has been mastered, which is also the place that is the most severely persecuted.

[Shinchonji] The prophecies of the Old and New Testaments and their fulfillment

Link - http://scjbible.tv

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji 
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
The prophecies of the Old and New Testaments and their fulfillment
Since the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35), a tree must be known by its fruit (Mt 7:15-20). People will also be judged according to what they have done as is recorded in the “books” (Rev 20:12). It was Jesus who fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament that were given through the prophets (Jn 19:30), and it is the one who overcomes (Rev 21:6) who fulfills the prophecies of the New Testament that Jesus gave through his disciples. Pastors who have become accustomed to the teachings of men will be astounded with wonder upon wonder when they see the Bible being fulfilled (Isa 29:9-14). This revelation, as recorded, is the mystery of mysteries, and we know it awaits an appointed time (Hab 2:2-3) when the chosen are captured by gentiles. According to prophecies about the time of fulfillment, the Son of Man had to receive the open scroll and speak on behalf of God to the hardened and obsolete Israelites (Eze 1, 2, 3). This was fulfilled 600 years later through Jesus to whom God had come (Mt 15:24).
Likewise,the New Testament also prophesies that God’s chosen pastor must receive the open scroll from the angel sent by Jesus, and he must then prophesy to a certain group of people (Rev 10). Jesus takes this scroll from the hand of God, and then he opens it. No one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll except for Jesus (Rev 5:1-7; Rev 6; Rev 8:1-2). Only the one who receives this word of revelation from Jesus can deliver its content to others (Rev 10). This person has seen and heard the physical realities of all the events of Revelation. This person has also received the open word of revelation (Rev 1:1-3). Believers can only understand and do the will of God if they learn from this pastor who has received the word of revelation. Again, they can only be saved by receiving the testimony of the one who receives the open scroll, the one who sees and hears Revelation. According to Rev 22:18-19, no one who adds or takes away from the word of Revelation can be saved.
Ask yourself if you know Revelation. Do not deceive yourself before God so that you can be taught and saved. Stop lying to yourself and others, saying you are saved or that you are orthodox. Please be honest and repent so that you can learn. Today is like the days of Noah. Only those who obey the word and get on the ark can be saved. According to Mt 24:37-39, the days of the Son of Man will be like the days of Noah, because anyone who refused to listen to Noah was destroyed. On the plus side, however, anyone who listened to Noah was saved. Do you truly believe in this word? Let us all be saved by believing in this word of truth.

[Shinchonji] The sealed book and proof that the book has been revealed

Link - http://scjbible.tv

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
 – The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
The sealed book and proof that the book has been revealed
What is the sealed book? What is the book that will be revealed, and what is the book that has been revealed?
  The amazing work that will be revealed
Many pastors and theologians claim “We have received the Holy Spirit. We are saved. We are orthodox. Those people are a cult.” Does God approve of what they say and believe. The Bible says otherwise. Jesus asked whether he would be able to find any faith when he returns (Lk 18:8). The prophecies in Revelation record that all nations are destroyed through deception, and that the worldcommits immoral acts with the devil. She lives in sensual luxury while selling the wine of her adulteries (Rev 17, 18). At a time like this, should you trust anyone or anything except the Bible?
According to Isa 29:9-14, heads are covered, eyes are closed, and the seers and prophets are shocked and amazed. The book (the revealed word) is sealed to them. They proclaim the teachings of men and not the revealed word of God. The hearts of those who receive the teachings of men are far from God. They have become gentiles. Can there be salvation for a blind pastor or for the blind people he teaches? This is when God promised to do something absolutely extraordinary.
When will God accomplish this extraordinary deed? God told the prophet Habakkuk that every vision has an appointed time when it will be fulfilled (Hab 1:1, 2:2-3). Who, then, will fulfill it? How will it be fulfilled? After the chosen people betray and are taken captive by the gentiles, God comes to the Son of Man described in Eze 1-3. He shows him the open scroll that was formerly sealed (the sealed book), and tells the Son of Man to eat it. God commands the Son of Man to speak on his behalf to the Israelites who betrayed him and are being held captive. This sealed book represents the Old Testament and its prophecies. Jesus fulfilled this prophecy at the time of the first coming.
At the time of the first coming, Israel belonged spiritually to the devil and physically to the Roman Empire. God came to Jesus and gave Jesus his word. Jesus, according to the prophecy in Ezekiel, went to preach to the Israelites who rebelled against God (Mt 15:24; 1Jn 2:1). When Jesus came, he fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies of Isaiah, Habakkuk, and Ezekiel.
  The New Testament’s sealed book (Revelation)
As mentioned, the portions of the Old Testament that were a sealed book (i.e. the visions and prophecies) were fulfilled by Jesus (Jn 19:30). Who, then, will fulfill the sealed scroll that is in God’s hand in Revelation? Who will fulfill Jesus’ New Testament promises and how will they be fulfilled?
This book, which has words written on the front and back, was given to Jesus according to Rev 5:7. Its physical fulfillment has also appeared accordingly as Jesus broke each of the seven seals (Rev 6, Rev 8:1-2). The book Jesus opened was given to an angel and that angel gave it to Apostle John. According to Rev 10, the angel told John to eat the scroll and commanded him to preach it to the many peoples, nations, languages and kings held captive by the dragon’s beast with the seven heads and ten horns (Babylon). John is proclaiming the prophecies and fulfillment of the entire book of Revelation, which is what he saw and heard. John also proclaims God’s revealed word just as Jesus did at the first coming (Rev 1:2). He fought against the enemy and overcame him. His victory allowed him to harvest people and create the 12 tribes (Rev 12, Rev 7). Apostle John does all of this according to the words of the sealed book just as Jesus did at the first coming (Jn 16:33; Mt 19:28).
The problem is no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open or look into this sealed book (Rev 5:3-4). Only one person can open, receive, and proclaim the open book. Today, believers must decide whether they want to follow pastors who preach the thoughts of men or the pastor who teaches the original and orthodox revelation from heaven. They must decide whether they are going to remain in their own churches or join the promised 12 tribes. Everyone must discern which route is in line with God’s will. They must choose between the open, revealed book from heaven (Rev 10) and the teachings of men. Both use the Bible, but one speaks the revelation of God and the others speak the thoughts of men. Please listen to both and decide (Job 34:3-4). Obviously the revelation of God is not the same as the teachings of men. If people who follow the teachings of men call the revelation the cult, does that mean it is true? Who is the true heretic?

[Shinchonji] Those born of the seed of God and those born of the seed of the devil

Link - http://scjbible.tv

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji 
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

Those born of the seed of God and those born of the seed of the devil
Since God is love (1Jn 4:8,16), we as believers of God, should love one another. The devil, on the other hand, criticizes and persecutes others by fabricating lies (Ac 7:51-54, Mt 5:10-12). If we are believers of God, we should not perform any deeds of the devil.
Some people carry out their life of faith without realizing whether they were born of the seed of God or the seed of the devil. Some people are even in error, thinking that they are believers of God despite the fact that they criticize and persecute others instead of keeping the Lord's commands. If trees are recognized by their fruit, please consider their deeds. The scriptures record two kinds of seeds - the seed of God and the seed of beasts (of the devil) (Jer 31:27). The seed is the word of spirits (Lk 8:11). In other words, the word of God is the seed of God, and the word of the devil is the seed of the devil. It is the seed from which people are born that determines whether they become God's children or the devil's children. Jesus explains this point in Mt 13, declaring that two kinds of seeds will grow together in the same field until the time of harvest. At the time of harvest, the fruits born of God's seed will be harvested to create God's new kingdom (Mt 13, Rev 4). Those who are not harvested, however, will remain in the field (the church). Whose children are they? This prophecy regarding the harvest in the New Testament should become a reality, should this not?
Paul declares that he is undergoing birth pains (Gal 4:19) and he has begotten people in Christ Jesus through the gospel (1Co 4:15 NKJV). He also said that he fed people milk (1Co 3:2) and regarded Timothy as a faithful son (1Co 4:15-17). Paul even said, "Even though I am absent physically. I am present in spirit" (1Co 5:3-4). Just as Paul was with people in spirit, we should believe that the spirit of Jesus is always with us (Mt 28:18-20).
Why do people not know the meaning of the scriptures, the promises of Jesus? Is it not because of the absence of the holy spirit (i.e. the spirit of Jesus) and the word? Think about what Jesus declared: "You seek to kill me because my word has no place in you" (Jn 8:37 NKJV).
● The principle of the seed
God has told us to learn from the creation (i. e. nature). The point that Jesus first made known to people in the four gospel books was the close approach of the kingdom of heaven (Mt 4). The point regarding the seed, which is the secret of the kingdom of heaven, was what Jesus first made known to people as well (Mt 13). Let us suppose that someone registers at a church and begins calling out "Lord!" Does being registered at a church and the calling out of the Lord make that person become a believer of Jesus and attain the qualifications to enter heaven? No, it does not! It is not just by calling God "Father" that people become God's children (Jn 8:31-44). Believers of Jesus are those who obey Jesus' words. If anyone desires to become God's child, that person must be born of the spiritual seed of God. Only when people are born again of the word and of the holy spirit of God, can they become believers and the sons of God.
It is a seed that determines what kind of tree will grow. If hearts of people are likened to fields or houses (1Co 3:9), it is also a seed - whether it is a seed of God or a seed of the devil - sown into hearts of people that determines whose children they become. Let us consider birds to understand this principle regarding the seed. Hens can be likened to fields since they receive seeds from roosters. If there are white, red, and black roosters that have seeds, it is according to the seed of the roosters that the color of chicks is determined. In the case of unfertilized eggs, which do not have seeds from roosters, they cannot hatch. Plants have the same principle. For example, if pumpkin pollen from a stamen is not pollinated with an egg cell of a pistil, it will bear no pumpkins. In the same way, only when the seed of the holy spirit is sown into a field (i. e. heart), and the holy spirit descends on and unites with people, can people be born again as a fruit. Those born of the word and the holy spirit of God can call God "father" and become his sons. People without the seed or the holy spirit cannot have God as their father just by calling God "father." Unlike Paul, who sowed the seed (1Co 3:6), people without the seed or the holy spirit cannot sow any seeds. Anyone who belongs to the devil is destined to hate and persecute those who belong to God. It is only those who are born of God's word and the holy spirit that are the true believers and can have their hope come true. This is how those born of the seed of God differ from those born of the seed of the devil.
Put in a nutshell, the field in which the seeds have been sown is the church; the two kinds of seeds have been growing together in this field. At the time of harvest, harvesters come to the field in the same way as thieves come, and harvest good grains. Those who are not harvested and remain in the field will become weeds. This is the conclusion of the two kinds of seeds and fruits. If anyone understands this message, that person must pray that God will harvest him or her. Please keep in mind that today is the time of harvest.

2012년 7월 23일 월요일

[Shinchonji] The promised harvest: The true grain and the weeds

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji 
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
The promised harvest: The true grain and the weeds
In the Bible, God promises to reap a harvest and separate the true grain from the weeds. Since the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35), this harvest must take place. Where does this promised biblical harvest occur? Where does God judge the true grain and the weeds?
To answer these questions, we must know the how the promise was made and how it is fulfilled. God made many promises in the Bible, including the promise with Abraham (Ge 15:13-21). God made a covenant with Moses and his people, but they broke it (Ex 19:5-6; Jer 31:31-21; Heb 8:7-13). This is why Jesus made the new covenant (i.e. the New Testament) according to God's will. God promised Jeremiah that he would plant a seed (Jer 31:27), and roughly 600 years later, God sowed the spiritual seed of the gospel of heaven through Jesus Christ. This is how God fulfilled his promise in the Old Testament, but Jesus, who sowed the seed of heaven, also promised that the time of the harvest would come (Mt13:24-30, 36-43). That promise of Jesus is accomplished in the time of Revelation’s fulfillment (Rev 14:14-20).
Jesus sowed the good seed and then the enemy came to scatter the weeds. Thus, two kinds of seeds have been growing together in Jesus' field since the first coming. At the time of harvest, the weeds are bundled together and thrown into the fire, but the true grain are harvested to the kingdom of heaven. Who are these true grain? Is a true grain a person who is harvested or a person who remains in the field? Is a weed harvested or does it stay in the field? The field represents the church and its grain are congregation members. The weeds represent people who remain in their churches instead of being harvested. Why do they stay? They are bundled (like weeds) by their pastors so that they cannot be taken away (Mt 23:13). What happens to these people who remain in the field with their pastors? According to the Bible, they are thrown into the fire. These are the words of Jesus Christ (Mt 13:24-30). Anyone who claims that this is wrong must prove it using the Bible.
What, then, are the firstfruits that are harvested? The seed is the word of God (Lk 8:11), and the 144,000 firstfruits are born again of the word of truth (Jas 1:18; Rev 14:1-5). How and where are they born? They are born of the tree of life, which produces twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month(Jn 15:1-8; Rev 22:1-2). The fruit of the tree are the sons of God born of God's seed. The weeds are the sons of the devil (Mt 13:37-39). Anyone who does not accept the word of God belongs to the world, but anyone who listens to the word of God belongs to God (1Jn 4:5-6).
God prophesied to Jeremiah that he would plant the seed, and then Jesus and his disciples sowed the seed to fulfill that prophecy. Today, we go like a thief in the night to the fields where the seed was sown so that we can harvest the true grain (1Th 5:1-7; Rev 14:14-16). When we do this we act according to the Bible, that is, according to the prophecies and commands of Jesus that relate to the time of Revelation’s fulfillment. Those who are harvested belong to God and are considered true grain (i.e. God's sons born of God's seed). Those who remain in the field are the weeds that are bundled and burned. This is the word of judgment that allows us to distinguish God's children from the weeds (Mt 13:37-43; Jn 4:36-37).
The 12 tribes are the gathering place for the true harvested grain. There are people, however, who do not belong to the 12 tribes, but still claim to be orthodox. They still claim to have salvation and to have received the Holy Spirit, but they do not speak according to the Bible. If people who are not members of the 12 tribes claim to be orthodox, what should the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel say about themselves? This question is not even worth a response. These people must learn what the Bible really says. Believers in the end times must judge the truth from the lies using the Bible. Now is the time all believers must make the promises of the Bible our way, our truth, and our life.

[Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible] Why do we believe in Jesus as the Christ?


A warm welcome to SCJ Open Bible. 

The following article has been written according to SCJ Open Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God's word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

[Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible]
Why do we believe in Jesus as the Christ?

We believe that Jesus is the Christ because he came and fulfilled everything 
that God promised through the Old Testament prophets to fulfill in the future 
(Jn 19:30). This is why we Christians have been testifying about Jesus 
and all the things he fulfilled (Ac 1:4-8). 
However, more important than what Jesus has already fulfilled, 
is the new covenant (New Testament) that Jesus made with us. 
This New Testament was given to us so that we must believe 
when it is fulfilled (Jn 14:29). 
Now it has been over 2,000 years since the new covenant was made. 
The people who refused to believe when they saw the fulfillment 
of the old covenant couldn't be true believers, 
and neither can those who fail to believe when they see the fulfillment 
of the new covenant.

The twelve tribes of Shinchonji (SCJ) are testifying with pride about what we have seen – the fulfillment of the new covenant.
If you hope to have true belief and if you hope to attain heaven and eternity,
you need to analyse carefully our testimony.
Today, salvation is impossible without believing in
the fulfillment of the New Testament,
just as there was no salvation for those
who refused to believe in the Old Testament.

The priests during the first coming of Christ called Jesus and his disciples 
a sect and ringleaders of sect (Ac 24:5, 14). 
Christians at that time were cast out of their homes, towns, schools, jobs and
countries (Heb 11). 
Although Paul was responsible for the stoning of Stephen (Ac 7:54~8:3), 
he later met Jesus, stopped calling him a cult leader, 
and instead began to proclaim him to be the Christ (Ac 9). 
Today, no one calls Jesus a cult leader anymore. 
Now, it is Shinchonji (SCJ) that everyone calls a cult. 
According to God and the Bible, however, Shinchonji (SCJ) is not a cult;
it is the kingdom and priests of God (Rev 1:5-6, 5:9-10, 20:6, 21:1). 
Believers who truly know the Bible can testify that 
Shinchonji (SCJ) is the right way. 
It is only by the way of the Cross 
that we can be atoned and saved from our sins.

  Source : The correcting understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji (SCJ)
                                    - the New Heaven and  New Earth

[Lee Man-Hee, Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible] Fulfillment of the East Travels to the West (1)

[Lee Man-Hee, Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible] 
Fulfillment of the East Travels to the West (1)
동성서행 (東成西行)
The reality of the new covenant that has been fulfilled
in the ends of the earth, the East, is spread to Europe.

Thoughts and Impressions on the first 10 days of European Visit
for Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible Seminar
- By Lee Man-Hee, Chariman of Shinchonji Church of Jesus ( May 30, 2012 )

I was asked to visit our German branch churches in Berlin, Frankfurt 
and central Germany many times before. 
There was also a request for a seminar (Bible conference) 
by a German church and 350 other European pastors, 
but I had to turn down their requests 
in the past 
because of the far distance and my busy schedule.
However, it seemed like the European pastors heard and knew well of 
the current circumstances of Christianity in Korea. 
They heard news regarding the rapid growth of Shinchonji
due to 
the testimony of revelation,
the physical fulfillment of the NewTestament. 

It has grown despite the rapid decrease in the Christian population 
due to the corruption of the Christian churches in Korea. 
I think Europe, in the midst of its own reality of low church attendance 
of its members, wanted to hear a lecture from an instructor from Shinchonji 
that is growing so rapidly.
Even before I left for Europe, my thoughts on this visit for this seminar 
were not to go solely because of the invitations of the many pastors 
in different European countries. 
It was only with the determination that if it is the Lord’s will and command, 
I will go with an obedient heart.
We have overcome as according to the promises of the Bible, 
we have the evidence of being victorious, 
we have the highest truth for humanity, 
and we have the Revealed Word that is in accordance with the 5Ws and 1H. 
This is because my body belongs to the Lord that has been purchased 
by the blood of Jesus (Rev 5:9-10). 
God allowed this visit to Europe while I was praying, 
and I sent a reply that I will go if there will be press coverage.

[Lee Man-Hee, Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible] 
Fulfillment of the East Travels to the West (2)

Shinchonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony
Broadcast: The Altar of Truth, SCJ TV    http://www.scjbible.tv/
News: www.scjnews.net
Homepage: Healing All Nations     http://shinchonji.org
                 The City of Truth, Beautiful Shinchonji      http://www.shinchonji.kr
 Blogroll: http://shinchonjiunmasked.wordpress.com  

"Shinchonji (SCJ) Church of Jesus, has the highest truth for humanity."

[Shinchonji] Ecclesiastical authority and spiritual murder

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
Ecclesiastical authority and spiritual murder
Since the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35), everyone’s deeds will be judged according what is written in the book (Rev 20:12). What does it mean that the scriptures cannot be broken? It means that God’s prophecies are always fulfilled (Isa 46:10). The scriptures of God will come true regardless of whether we believe in their fulfillment.
There are many pastors and denominations in the world today. Unfortunately, the Bible tells us that people do not work on behalf of Jesus just because they claim to work in Jesus’ name. There are many false apostles or pastors, who lie and masquerade as true workers of Christ (2Co 11:13-15; Mt 24:2-5). They claim ecclesiastical authority and power in the name of Jesus, and with this authority they can spiritually murder their own congregation members (Jn 16:1-4). Some have even had congregation members who refuse to follow committed to mental hospitals. How can they claim to have the love and forgiveness of Jesus (Lk 20:9-15; Mt 5:10-12)?
How can they claim to be orthodox and to believe in Jesus when they don’t even keep Jesus’ commandments? Jesus gave up his life for sinners. If you are a follower of Jesus and if you believe in God, you must follow their steps. Instead, these people persecute and kill their own congregation members out of selfish ambition. They will be judged according to Rev 20:12.
We must judge for ourselves what is true and what is biblical. We must not be like Cain who killed his brother Abel when Abel did not listen to him. We should not belong to the evil one like Cain did (1Jn 3:12). Instead, we should side with true believers who carry out God’s love and good deeds.
Jesus said in Jn 16:1-2 that when the time comes, people will put you out of the synagogues and that the one who kills you will think he is offering service to God. Today, there are pastors who ban their congregation members from the church, spiritually killing them just because they did not obey. Just because these pastors who commit their congregation members to a mental institute when they decide to stop attending services claim to be orthodox, does not mean they really are, does it? Are they orthodox or heretical? Is this the right type of faith? Isn’t this just the oppression of the freedom of religion? We must find the correct answer from the Bible. Jesus has already warned us about these kinds of evil deeds in the Bible.