2012년 7월 10일 화요일

Shinchonji-The Lord's commandments, faith, and deeds

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji – The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.


The Lord's commandments, faith, and deeds
Although God is love (1Jn 4:16), people will still be judged according to what they have done as recorded in the books (Rev 20:12)
God loved the world so much that he has given us his only son (Jn 3:16). That only son, Jesus, befriended sinners and bore the cross for them (Mt 9:10-13).
The Bible says that God will pay back those who say, “Keep to yourself! Don't get near me, for I am holier than you!” (Isa 65:5-6). Additionally, Jesus told us to love our enemies and to feed them when they are hungry (Mt 5, 25:31-46).
We, as believers, know very well that it is those who keep the commandments who have true faith in God and Jesus. Even if you believe, however, and claim to act in the name of Jesus, if you do not act according to the true meaning of the scriptures,  you are not a true believer (Mt 7:21-27).
Do you think that it is truly God's will for people to hold educational seminars that fail to disguise their true purpose – persecution, judgment, slander, and spiritual murder which God has forbidden? Is this not the will of Satan? Is it good for Christianity and for believers? Christian churches must realize that it is the infighting and persecution of Christians by Christians that has cut the total number of Christians in Korea by 30% since 1990. Is it a newly established denomination that has caused this drop? No! Isn’t a drop in attendance the most natural outcome when people perceive corruption in the churches of their generation?
From a certain perspective, Christianity (i.e. the belief in Jesus Christ) itself is a new religion. If all new religions are cults, should all Protestants return to Catholicism? Should all Catholics return to Judaism?
Anyone who believes in and follows the Lord's commandments becomes a Christian regardless of their denomination (Jn 1:12-13); anyone who has the spirit of Christ and keeps his commands becomes a Christian ( Ro 8:9-11). It is only those who hold to and teach the word of life, only those who love and forgive one another, who are doing God's will (1Jn 4). Christianity should unite and dig deeply into the word with faith in the words of promise.
The persecution and slandering of each other that is going on between Christians should not be happening. Only when it stops will Christianity be restored as the light of the world (Mt 5:13-16).




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