2012년 7월 18일 수요일

Shinchonji-Distinguishing orthodoxy from heresy

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji 
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

Distinguishing orthodoxy from heresy
Although words like cult, sect, faction, and division appear in both the Old and New Testaments (e.g. Ac, 14; Gal ; Tit ; 2Pe ), the word “orthodoxy” cannot be found in the Bible. Few people would disagree, however, with the idea that there must be a standard that judges orthodoxy from heresy; a way to determine whether a particular group is orthodox or a cult.
Orthodoxy and heresy originated with God and Satan, respectively. God is self-existent (Ex ) and the creator of heaven and earth (Ge ). Satan, on the other hand, is a created being (Rev ), who appears as the serpent in Ge . It is more appropriate for modern denominations to be referred to as “traditional” rather than “orthodox.” Present-day churches are holding tightly onto their traditions, some of which stretch back to Jesus' time, but if they did not receive a revelation directly from God directing them to begin a new denomination, they cannot be orthodox. It is much more accurate to say they merely hold on to their own specific traditions. Lies never become the truth just because we want them to. John testifies that Jesus, who came in the name of God (Jn ), was the one who spoke on behalf of God (i.e. the Advocate). Let us examine Jesus’ words.
Jesus said in Jn -15 that the word passes from God to Jesus, from Jesus to the spirit of the truth (the Counselor), and from the spirit of the truth to you. Please consider how the word is conveyed to people in Rev 5 and 10. Jesus takes the scroll which God sealed, and he opens it. Jesus gives the open scroll to an angel, who passes it on to Apostle John. Then John is told to preach the word to the people. Thus, only Jesus and the one with Jesus can be orthodox. Everything else is just worn-out tradition.
Satan, is the source of all heresy; the originator of all cults. Those who tell lies because they have received evil spirits, instead of the holy spirit of God, are the true heretics. According to Gal -9, anyone who preaches a gospel contrary to the gospel that Jesus' disciples preached through Christ himself (i.e. the words of the New Testament), that person is a cult member. Anyone whose deeds deviate from the commandments given by the Lord is also a cult member. What is hypocrisy? What are the actions of heresy? People who lack love, refuse to forgive, tell lies that harm others, persecute, and criticize others are the true hypocrites and cult members.
Interestingly, the pastors of every generation have denounced God’s messengers who were delivering the word. They called them heretics and even killed them (Mt ). Why did they do this? Wasn’t it because their congregation members had left them to follow the word (i.e. the holy spirit)? Neither the prophets of the Old Testament, nor even Jesus and his disciples at the first coming were excluded. Those pastors who were persecuting the truth were the real cult members because they had received the spirit of the devil. Most of the people who followed those pastors must have believed and agreed with their words and deeds. We know that the devil always disguises himself as God. He claims that lies are orthodox and that truth is heresy. The lies have had supreme control over the world, and the truth has been despised (2Th -2). The scriptures ask, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Lk ). The scriptures also record that all nations have been led astray and that they marry the devil at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment (Rev 17-18). Even the two witnesses who serve the Lord in Rev 11 are killed because of their work. I pray that all of us may know the truth according to the Bible so that we can truly distinguish orthodoxy from heresy. We need to call the cults, “cults,” and the orthodox, “orthodox.” We cannot make snap judgments just because we do not know or understand the word.
No one is qualified to judge the difference between orthodoxy and heresy unless he or she knows the true meaning of the Bible, because it is our standard. Those who do not know the meaning of Revelation, should close their mouths and quietly learn the word. Blessed are those who learn the word, understand it, and believe it instead of cursing others.

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