The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
The sealed scroll and revelation
What is the sealed scroll and what is revelation?
The Lord Jesus said in Mt 11:27, “All things have been handed over to me by my Father. No one knows the son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the son and anyone to whom the son decides to reveal him.” He is saying that only the one who receives the revelation is able to know the Father. He also stated in Jn 17:3, “Now this is eternal life – that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent.”
According to the prophecies in Is 29:9-13, pastors are blird because the revelation is nothing but a sealed scroll to them. This is why pastors preach the teachings of men; this is why those who learn the teachings of men from them say “Lord! Lord!“ paying mere lip-service to God. Despite their outward confessions of faith, their hearts are far from God. Habakkuk said that the revelation’s fulfillment awaits an appointed time (Hb 2:2-3). The book of Ezekiel explains that the revelation is opened at the appointed time when God’s chosen people are seized by gentiles. According to the prophecies in Ez 1-3, Jesus came into the world when the Israelites were under the control of gentiles.
Jesus received the revelation from God and delivered it to the people (Mt 15:24; Mt 11:27). In the midst of this situation, Jesus proclaimed that no one knew the son except the Father, and that it was only the son, who had received the revelation, that knew the Father. He also proclaimed that eternal life was to know the only true Father and his son, Jesus.
“The revelation of Jesus Christ” is again mentioned in Rv 1:1. This revelation is passed down to God’s people in a very specific way. First, Jesus takes the sealed scroll from God’s hand in Rv 5. He begins to break the seals in Rv 6 and fulfills the prophecies according to what is written in the scroll. Beginning in Rv 8, the seven trumpets are sounded to proclaim the fulfillment. Then, in Rv 10, Jesus gives the opened scroll to one pastor and tells him where to go to deliver the message. Before the revelation is made known, it is only the teachings of men that are being taught; no one knows the true revelation. Although those who lack knowledge of the revelation draw near to God with their lips, their lives of faith are inadequate because their hearts are far from God.
No one knows God, Jesus, and the one who overcomes except those who have received the revelation of Jesus Christ (i.e. the book of Revelation) through SCJ today. For this reason, no one truly has eternal life except these people in SCJ (Rv 1:1-3; Rv 7; Rv 10). Those who receive the revealed word from above will be able to know the only true God, Jesus, and the one who has come in the name of the Lord—the one who overcomes within whom the spirit of the Counselor dwells (Jn 14:26; Jn 17:3). Knowing these entities is eternal life. Today, God has granted everything to SCJ where the one who overcomes is (Rv 2-3; Rv 21:1-7). Among all the nations of the world, it is only SCJ that has mastered the book of Revelation. Just as Apostle Paul and Apostle John taught the revelation (Gal 1:11-12; Rv 10), people should forsake the teachings of men and learn the revelation from heaven in SCJ. I sincerely pray that everyone will obtain salvation by doing so.
2012년 10월 29일 월요일
[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] The sealed scroll and revelation (with audio file)
[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] Mrs. Kim: a martyr of Shinchonji (Audio File)
The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
Mrs. Kim: a martyr of Shinchonji
Mrs. Kim was beaten to death by her ex-husband, Mr. Seo, for refusing to convert to the Presbyterian Church of Calvin. She was murdered in her home on October 7, 2007 in Ulsan, South Korea.
Before her death, she faithfully attended SCJ’s branch church in Ulsan. Prior to their divorce, Mr. Seo was deceived by a conversion education pastor, and together with Mrs. Kim’s family members, he repeatedly forced Mrs. Kim to receive conversion education. Against her will, Mrs. Kim received a few conversion programs in Suncheon, South Korea. In these programs, the pastors in charge tried to force their own doctrines on Mrs. Kim in the name “conversion education.” In fact, they can hardly be called “education” at all. The programs contained so many slanderous, personal attacks against SCJ’s chairman, that Mrs. Kim could hardly stand it. Still she listened to her ex-husband’s requests and listened to the education program. She wanted to obey her husband out of a sense of duty and to maintain peace within her family.
The conversion programs, however, failed to convince her to change her mind since she already knew the truth. When he realized that she would never agree to give up her religion, her ex-husband locked her up in a room and assaulted her verbally and physically. Finally, when she again refused to convert, her ex-husband tried to force her to accept a divorce. Mrs. Kim resisted because she believed that SCJ did not allow its members to divorce their spouses. Despite her persistence, she was eventually forced into the divorce.
Even after their divorce, however, Mr. Seo continued his efforts to get Mrs. Kim to convert to his denomination. Mr. Seo eventually lost his mind in the face of Mrs. Kim’s unwavering resolution against the conversion. He snuck into Mrs. Kim’s home and murdered her with an iron hammer. Mrs. Kim had reported to us what she was experiencing up through the day before her death. Sadly, this tragedy was revealed to the world through her death.
John Calvin (1509-1564) seized control of the ecclesiastical authority in Geneva, a city of 13,000 people at the time. There, he established the Presbyterian Church and wrote several commentaries detailing his theory of predestination. History tells us that Calvin recklessly slaughtered people who refused to convert to his Presbyterian Church. Having received this tradition from Calvin, the Presbyterian Church of today is responsible for the death of Mrs. Kim, who was bludgeoned to death simply because she refused to become a Presbyterian. Yet these murderers claim to be orthodox! Are they any different from the Jewish people at the time of the first coming (i.e. Pharisees and scribes), who held onto the elders’ traditions while ignoring God’s commandments (Mt 15)? The Presbyterian Church and SCJ Church of Jesus are very different. It is even clear from their names, which denote the founders of each church. When Calvin first founded his church it did not include “Jesus” in its name. It was only called “The Presbyterian Church of Calvin.” Thus, the Presbyterian Church is not a church of Jesus. The founder of the Presbyterian Church of Calvin is Calvin. The founder of SCJ Church of Jesus, however, is obviously Jesus.
For a long time, the Presbyterian Church recited the Lord’s prayer in Korean using an extra phrase that is not included in the Bible: “Dae-gae,” which means generally or approximately. This occurred until SCJ made it an issue by declaring it to be unbiblical. It was only after SCJ’s declaration that the Presbyterian Church wanted to remove that phrase from their version of the Lord’s prayer. In addition, it was only after SCJ pointed out what the Presbyterians did during the Japanese colonization—they condoned the bowing down and worshiping of the Japanese emperor—that they now claim to repent. Didn’t they claim to be orthodox before their recent repentance? If so, that was nothing by a lie. They must, therefore, also repent for claiming to be orthodox.
Furthermore, because the Apostles’ Creed is not found in the Bible and because it is full of lies, no one should recite it. It should be clear from the following passages why no one should recite the Apostles’ Creed. Paul declared in Gal 1:8, “But even if we (or an angel from heaven) should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be condemned to hell!” Jesus stated in Rv 22:18-19, “I testify to the one who hears the words of the prophecy contained in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book.” According to the testimonies from Jesus’ disciples, it was not Pontius Pilate that killed Jesus. It was the Jewish elders and their high priests (Mt 27:20-26; Lk 23; Ac 4:5-10). How can anyone blame Pontius Pilate? Didn’t the elders and high priests sin in their killing of Jesus? In the document that Pontius Pilate sent to Caesar, Pilate acknowledged Jesus as the true son of God. It is also clear that Pilate sent his servants to protect Jesus.
Those who created the circumstances that led to Mrs. Kim’s death—her ex-husband, his denomination, and all of its conversion education pastors must repent. They should kneel down before humanity and before the martyrs to repent for what they have done. Jesus, who was also martyred, will never fail to remember what they did. Was it anyone other than the spirit of Calvin who told her ex-husband to beat Mrs. Kim to death? It certainly wasn’t God or Jesus who gave that command. Instead, their commands were to love, forgive, and bless one another (Mt 18; Mk 12:30-31). Do you think that these people who received the traditions of Calvin and murdered Mrs. Kim for refusing to convert have the loving and forgiving hearts that God commanded us to have toward others? Are holy spirits with them or are evil spirits with them? It is the Bible that judges whether they are with the holy spirit or with evil spirits (Jn 12:48; Rv 20:12). Does Calvin’s predestination provoke people to murder faithful believers? Repent!
[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] The difference between Shinchonji Church of Jesus and Calvin’s Presbyterian Church (Audio file)
The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
The difference between Shinchonji Church of Jesus and Calvin’s Presbyterian Church
The founder of Shinchonji Church of Jesus (SCJ) is Jesus, but the founder of Calvin’s Presbyterian Church is Calvin. Jesus’ teaching is the word of revelation, but Calvin’s main doctrine of pre-destination is a prime example of the teachings of men and of their biblical commentaries.
Christianity came to the Republic of Korea only 120 years ago—a very short period of time when compared to the 6,000 years of biblical history. In those 120 years of history, it has been only about 55 years since the first protestant theological seminary was established and legally certified by the Ministry of Education. Seminaries ordain their students to serve as pastors according to set rules and doctrines, but where do these rules and doctrines originate? These rules are creations of their own minds, and it is by these rules that they claim to have some sort of spiritual authority.
The priests and elders at the time of the first coming were adversaries of Jesus (Jn 5; Jn 8). The chief priests and elders were wondering, “How does this man know so much when he has never had formal instruction?” (Jn 7:15). They asked, “By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority?” (Mt 21:23-24). Jesus, who came in the name of God, told them, “I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me. If someone else comes in his own name [i.e. the names of the chief priests or elders of the people], you will accept him,” (Jn 5:43).
Many pastors and elders have come to join us as members of SCJ. Some of them have even confessed to receiving a pastoral certificate in exchange for money despite never attending a seminary. Today, Shinchonji Church of Jesus, which was promised in the Bible, is a temple that has been established in the name of God, in the name of Jesus, and in the name of the Counselor—the spirit of truth. For this reason there have been several quarrels with the pastors and elders of today’s churches, just as Jesus fought with the priests and elders at the time of the first coming. Typically, the most intense points of controversy bely the differences between the teachings of men, who are ordained by seminaries, and the revelation of heaven. According to the Bible, there was conflict between God’s messengers and the priests of every generation. In every generation, it was always the haughty, disobedient priests on whom God heaped curses (Mal 2).
In the Old Testament, despite the fact that no prophet sent by God was educated at a seminary, their testimony was always the truth. In the New Testament, Jesus and his disciples never attended seminary, but that did not make their teachings any less true. This was proof that the holy spirit was with them. Today, we do not hold to the commands of the elders or the priests of our time. Instead, as true Christians, we hold only to the revelation of God—the words of the Old and New Testaments that were handed down through the prophets and apostles.
Today, we must believe in the Bible and in God’s word of revelation as given by the Counselor, the spirit of truth. We must not believe in people ordained by a man-made seminary or even listen to their words. If both groups—believers who have received the word of revelation from the holy spirit of the counselor and pastors who have been ordained in the world’s seminaries—were to take an exam testing their knowledge of the Bible, who would receive a better score? SCJ is where the Counselor, the spirit of truth who has come in the name of Jesus (Jn 14:26), can be found. Those who receive the word of revelation from SCJ will know God, Jesus, and the Counselor so that they can have eternal life (Rv 1:1-3; Rv 10; Mt 11:27; Jn 17:3). People who do not know the Counselor have no truth, no eternal life, and no kingdom of heaven.
[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] True religion and its founder (Audio File)
The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
True religion and its founder
What is religion? Who created it? Who is the founder of religion? Who speaks and who listens? Why is the word in the beginning referred to as the way?
1. What is religion?
Religion is the highest of all teachings. The characters used to write the word religion in Chinese have an interesting meaning: “Look to the sky to learn how to be dutiful to your heavenly father.”
ShinChonJi Open Bible
2. Who created religion?
God, the divine spirit, created religion (Jn 1:1-5).
3. Who is the founder of religion?
God the creator founded religion. In an effort to make himself known to the ignorant (Hos 6:6), God chose the prophets and apostles to record the Bible (2 Pt 1:21; Gal 1:11-12). Thus, the Bible is a divine book authored by God (2 Tm 3:16). If people want to know the only true God, they must follow the religion founded by the only true God. No one who has received the teachings from above or has learned what true religion is can found his or her own religion. Any person who does such a thing is a heretic.
ShinChonJi - LeeManHee
4. Who has given religion and who has received it?
God has given religion to sinners (Jn 3:16; 1 Jn 1:1-10).
5. The word in the beginning that is the way
Jesus, who served God in him, stated, I am the way, and the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6).
6. Nature of God
God is a self-existent, divine spirit (Ex 3:13-15; Jn 4:24).
7. Denominations and their names
The Bible is comprised of the Old and New Testaments (Jer 31:31-32; Heb 8:7-13)—Moses’ Law and Jesus’ law of liberty (Jn 1:17; Jas 2:12). The Bible also includes the name of a promised denomination.
Churches whose names are not promised in either the Old or New Testaments are not acting according to the Bible. Because we are living in the time of the New Testament, in order for a denomination to be orthodox its name must have been promised in the New Testament. Again, only denominations promised in the Bible can be orthodox; denominations not promised in the Bible cannot be orthodox. The name of a denomination, thus, determines whether its people are inside or outside God’s holy city. The two groups in Rv 20 and 22 reveal how this works.
The Presbyterian Church of Calvin started off on the wrong path because their name is not recorded in the Bible. In addition, their name reveals that Calvin is the founder of their denomination. Predestination, which is the primary doctrine of the Presbyterian church, is one of Calvin’s teachings. Shinchonji Church of Jesus, in contrast, was founded by Jesus and its teachings are Jesus’ teachings.
8. Conversion
Conversion is the act of changing one’s religion. According to the previous section, if a person wants to convert his or her religion, how can they do it according to the Bible?
People who are outside the holy city should come inside. They must move from their man-made denominations to the denomination promised in the Bible. They must learn Jesus’ teachings and throw away Calvin’s doctrine of predestination. Coming to Jesus from Calvin is the way to reach God—the true way to attain salvation. The Presbyterian Church teaches the traditions of its elders (Mt 15), but Shinchonji Church of Jesus teaches only the revealed words and commandments of God (Rv 10). Which one do you think is truly biblical from God’s point of view?
9. The traditions of the Presbyterian Church of Calvin
It has been said that Calvin recklessly slaughtered people in Geneva when they refused to accept his doctrine of predestination. Having received the traditions of Calvin, Reverend Jin and several other pastors have been acting scandalously in the name of conversion education. Acting as pastors of the Presbyterian Church, they have been provoking family conflict in an effort to convert people to their denomination. They will do anything to fulfill their objectives. Their thoughtless actions have even led to a murder. A woman named Mrs. Kim was killed with a hammer by her ex-husband after he consulted with the conversion educators. Where does the New Testament allow the murder of those who refuse to convert? This case of physical murder is bad enough, but the hundreds of cases of spiritual murder committed by these pastors are also serious crimes.
10. The foundation of Christian Council of Korea
According to a document from the Korean Christian Press, the Christian Council of Korea (CCK) was founded out of a previous organization of conservative Christians. Mr. Kim, who was a former Korean politician, formed the organization to mobilize conservative forces in support of a third term for Korean president Park Chung-hee during his military dictatorship. Hence, the original purpose of the CCK, which was established by Korean Presbyterian churches, was political not religious. Since this revelation by the Korean Christian Press it is inappropriate for the CCK to include the word “Christian” in the name of their organization. The CCK cannot claim to be orthodox. During the Japanese colonization of Korea, Korean Presbyterian Churches bowed down to the Japanese emperor (a gentile god) prior to their worship services. Why would God grant salvation to a group that sinned against him during the Japanese occupation? Aren’t they the greatest of all heretics? Why should anyone convert to the denomination of a murderer? Any pastor who confines a perfectly sane believer to a mental institute must side with the devil of mental illness. Even MBC is guilty because they believed the words of this pastor and broadcast lies about SCJ. Their sins can only be washed away if they repent and broadcast the truth about SCJ.
You will be unable to find the word of God wherever you go (Am 8:11-13). We would, however, like you to know that SCJ Church of Jesus is the only place that has mastered the Bible.
2012년 10월 22일 월요일
[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] Stop your evil deeds and repent! (Audio File)
The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
Stop your evil deeds and repent!
The founder of the Presbyterian Church is Calvin, but the founder of the Church of Jesus is Jesus. Please judge for yourself who are the true heretics that interpret the scriptures on their own.
Matthew 5 shows us how the argument took place between Jesus and the elders at that time. The elders insisted on their traditions, but Jesus proclaimed God’s commandments. In the same way today, the conversion education program (itself in accordance with the traditions of Calvin and his Presbyterian Church), has clashed with the revealed words of God coming from Shinchonji Church of Jesus. Which teaching truly comes from the will of God? Where do you think salvation can be found? Which of these two groups is heretical? Which is orthodox?
Jesus bore the cross for our sins. In spite the tremendous love Jesus has shown us through the forgiveness of our sins, Calvin’s Presbyterian Church as it exists in Korea broke the commandment of God when they bowed down to the Japanese emperor (Ex 20:3-5). It is only recently that they have begun to acknowledge their misdeeds and have claimed to repent for their sins. Can this claim be considered orthodox? Isn’t it too a lie? They should even repent for claiming to be orthodox. In addition, Calvin’s Presbyterian Church in Korea has been labeling the Church of Jesus a cult. Shouldn’t they also repent for calling us a cult? If they want any kind of conversion to take place, it should be people of the Presbyterian Church of Calvin converting to the true Church of Jesus. If they repent and convert themselves to the Church of Jesus, and if they are born again of the revealed word (i.e. the water and the spirit), then they will obtain salvation.
Apostle Paul declared in Gal 1 that he had abandoned the knowledge he had gained in the world. He also claimed to be teaching people with the revealed word from above. He stated that even the angels of heaven would be eternally condemned if they were to preach a gospel other than the one the apostles preached (Gal 1:8). Therefore, the Presbyterian Church must stop following the unbiblical traditions of their elders. They should stop reciting the phrase “Dae-gae” from the Korean Lord’s Prayer since it is not in the Bible. They should stop reciting the Apostle’s Creed because it contains several false doctrines. They should also stop trying to convert people to the Presbyterian Church. Instead, they should learn the revealed word of Jesus in an effort to be born again. They should stop persecuting, cursing, criticizing, murdering, deceiving people, and destroying innocent families. The Presbyterian Church and its conversion education program has led its people to persecute and confine their own family members just for attending the Church of Jesus. These innocents were forced to abandon their families to avoid this harsh persecution.
The forced conversion education programs of the Presbyterian Churches in Korea have pushed innocent victims to give up their jobs and education. They have suppressed people using their ecclesiastical authority and by making up lies. They have also blamed others for their own sins. These actions that they have carried out must be stopped. They should make an effort to learn the truth and repent for their sins. We in SCJ earnestly pray to the Lord that they will stop their lies and learn to speak only true and beautiful words.
[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] True believers
The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
True believers
Roughly 3,500 years ago, a man named Moses appeared in Egypt (Ex 2). Many people followed him because God was with Moses (Ex 3). Those who followed Moses were all believers. Moses was harshly persecuted by the Egyptians and by gentiles from other nations who did not believe in God (Ex 7; Ex 17). Roughly 2,000 years ago, a man named Jesus appeared in the nation of Israel (Mt 1). Many people followed Jesus because God was with him (Mt 3; Mt 21). This is why Jesus was intensely persecuted by many Israelites (Mt 27; Jn 8). Another 2,000 years have passed since that time. Now, a man named Manhee Lee has appeared in the nation of Korea. Because the spirit of the Counselor―the one who comes in the name of the Lord and speaks on his behalf―is with Manhee Lee (Jn 14; Jn 16), many believers follow him. This is why he is being persecuted by a great number of people in Korea (Rv 11; Rv 16).
If these men were ordinary they would not have been persecuted; ordinary men are not persecuted. They were persecuted because of the presence of the spirit of God with them. Religion was created by God in heaven. The book of scriptures of true religion is the book of God; it contains the will of God (2 Tm 3:16; 2 Pt 1:21; Gal 1:11-12). No one can carry out a proper life of faith according to the will of God without mastering his book and his will. The lives of faith that people carry out without knowing the will of God are carried out based on their own understanding. Anyone who carries out this kind of life of faith is not a believer who belongs to God, the founder of religion. It is only when God comes and reveals the meaning of the divine scriptures that we can truly understand the meaning of his book. Books people wrote after having studied the scriptures on their own simply present their author’s opinions (Ez 13:1-3).
The Bible says that God is the word, and Jesus, the son of God, is also the word (Jn 1:1-5; 1Jn 1:1-3). The one who has mastered the scriptures is the word made flesh (Jn 1:14; Rv 10) and truly knows the path. Those who walk without knowing the proper path have not mastered the word (i.e. the way). The testimony of God differs from the testimonies of men (Is 55:8-9). True believers who have mastered the word (i.e. the way) are persecuted because their testimonies come from God. The true meaning of the scriptures differs from a human understanding of the scriptures. True believers who have mastered the word are persecuted because they speak about the true meaning of the scriptures. No one in heaven, or on earth, or under the earth knows the meaning of God’s prophecies (Rv 5:1-4). We are able to understand the meaning when God comes and makes it known to us (Jn 14:26; 1 Cor 2:10; Rv 10).
We in SCJ declare that we have mastered the scriptures and have been testifying about the physical fulfillment of God’s prophecies. You can only truly understand what it is we have if you come and verify for yourself whether our claims are true. Regardless of whether people believe in our testimony, we will still proclaim God’s will, God’s word, and the physical fulfillment of his word (Ez 3:11). We earnestly pray that you will understand and believe in our testimony so that you will attain heaven and eternal life.
[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] Is Shinchonji Church of Jesus really a cult?
The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
Is Shinchonji Church of Jesus really a cult?
Why is Shinchonji Church of Jesus (SCJ) considered by so many to be a cult? Who is it that has passed such judgment on SCJ? Is it a group of people or is it the the holy spirit that has determined that SCJ is a cult? What acts as a standard to distinguish cults?
Calling SCJ a cult is the same as calling the OT prophets, Jesus, and the 12 disciples heretics (Mt 8; Acts 24:1-5). Since people have been only taught according to the teachings of men, conflict arises when SCJ presents the revealed word of God from the Bible. The teachings of men are different than the revealed word of SCJ. This clash has driven people to call SCJ a cult.
SCJ was established in 1984 in South Korea according to biblical prophecy. Ever since SCJ was founded and began preaching the revealed word of God, thousands of Korean Christians have been flocking to SCJ. This migration of Korean Christians to SCJ threatened the livelihood of Korean pastors. Many of these pastors decided to hold several meetings to find a way to deal with this situation. The strategy they designed to maintain their congregation members included labeling SCJ a cult. Similarly, the priests of the time of the first coming refused to go to Jesus themselves and blocked their congregation members from going as well (Mt 23:13). They accused the OT prophets, Jesus, and the 12 disciples of being heretics and eventually killed them. Today, too, one SCJ member was falsely accused of being a heretic and was even persecuted to the point of death.
Jesus stated in Jn 16, “They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God.” This very word from Jesus was fulfilled in Calvin’s time, and it is also being fulfilled today. It is not God, but it is today’s pastors who have determined to label SCJ a cult. Didn’t Protestants label Catholics as heretics for a while when Protestantism emerged from Catholicism? In the same way today, those same people are persecuting SCJ as a cult even though it is actually the kingdom of God promised in the Bible. It seems as if these people were born to persecute and curse others; it seems as if the only word they know is “cult.” This is a disease that cannot even be cured by God’s word, which is spiritual healing medicine for us. The only thing these people are enthusiastic about is posting slanderous words against SCJ on the Internet day and night. Is it even worth talking to this kind of people?
Several years ago, I asked several pastors who were persecuting SCJ roughly 40 biblical questions, but I still have not received any responses. If they cannot answer my questions, how can they teach their congregation members? SCJ has the pastor promised in the Bible (Jn 14; Rv 10). SCJ’s name was also prophesied in the Bible (2 Pt 3:13; Rv 15:5; Rv 21:1). SCJ has been fulfilling the Bible and acting upon the word (Rv 1-22). We have also mastered the Bible and have been teaching people the revealed word of heaven (1 Cor 2:10; Rv 10). Come and see for yourself! Where else in the world has the Bible been mastered?
Why are people persecuting SCJ without knowing the meaning of the Bible? No one who adds to or subtracts from the book (the Bible) will be allowed to enter heaven. Instead he or she will receive the plagues recorded in the Bible (Rv 22:18-19). Have you ever received Jesus’ testimony from the messenger of the Lord in Rv 22:16? Today’s pastors have not received any testimonies, nor have they learned righteousness. Aren’t their congregation members doing exactly the same slanderous work and speaking the same kinds of evil words against SCJ as the pastors who have taught them? Haven’t the insulting words people have posted on the Internet revealed their true nature?
The scriptures say that a good man speaks what is good out of the good stored up inside him, but an evil man speaks what is evil out of the evil stored up inside him (Mt 12:33-37). Today is like the time of Noah, the time of Lot, and the time of the first coming of Jesus (Rv 11:8). The wicked cannot attain salvation; only those who have good and noble hearts will attain salvation. Please read Mt 5:10-12. The persecuted will be saved, and the persecutors will be condemned and thrown into hell. Please read Jn 15:18-24. People are persecuted because they belong to heaven. Anyone who drives out the one who has received God’s word and kills him belongs to Satan. This act of murder must appear according to the Lord’s prophecies.
We do not belong to the Presbyterian Church of Calvin, who famously murdered those who disagreed with them. We belong to the Church of Jesus. Why are people telling lies and calling SCJ the “Church of Lee Manhee”? Please take a closer look at our official name. Isn’t it Shinchonji Church of Jesus? From God’s point of view, the true heretics are those who in their zeal to persecute SCJ have actually beaten people to death. In spite of their cruel actions, we still follow Stephen’s example by praying for them (Acts 7:59-60).
2012년 10월 19일 금요일
[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] The revealed word and commentaries
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The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
– The New Heaven and New Earth
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
The revealed word and commentaries
Who teaches the revealed word and who teaches commentaries? How are they different from one another?
Apostle Paul abandoned the law and the knowledge of the world to preach the visions and revelation of Jesus (2 Cor 12:1; Gal 1:8-12). God opens his sealed scroll at the appointed time and gives it to his chosen pastor so that he can eat it. When he receives the revealed scroll from God and the command of where to go with that word, the chosen pastor preaches the revealed word to the people.
God opened the sealed scroll of the Old Testament at the appointed time (Is 29:9-13; Hb 2:2-3; Ez 1-3) and gave the revelation to Jesus (Mt 11:27). God even prophesied a place for Jesus to go and preach the revelation, and Jesus did so according to the prophecy (Mt 15:24). The same strategy applies to the sealed scroll of the New Testament—the book of Revelation. Jesus opens the scroll (Rv 6; Rv 8) and gives it to his chosen pastor. The chosen pastor eats the scroll and is told to preach the revealed word to many peoples, nations, languages, and kings (Rv 10; Rv 1:2). This is the route of passage of God’s revelation. God opens the sealed scroll of the Bible at his appointed time, and he allows the chosen pastor to receive it and preach its content to the people. Only those who receive this revelation can know God and the one sent by God. Knowing the one true God and the one he has sent are the qualifications necessary to inherit eternal life (Mt 11:27; Jn 17:3).
Many theologians (e.g. Calvin) wrote biblical commentaries after having studied the scriptures on their own (Ez 13:1-3). All of these biblical commentaries are different because they represent the opinions of their authors. With these countless interpretations of the scriptures, which can we trust? Since there can only be one true meaning of the scriptures, the great variety of commentaries reveals their true nature. Biblical commentaries only confuse believers and lead them astray.
Calvin himself never made reference to the book of Revelation. Other theologians and pastors have boldly spoken out about Revelation, but all their interpretations differ wildly from one another. If biblical commentaries are not the revealed word from heaven, aren’t they nothing but the false teachings of men? Aren’t they the weeds sown in the field of Christianity? If the Bible uses a tree to symbolize a person, isn’t a pastor who has seed of weeds the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Spiritually speaking, the words of that pastor are the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The bird that comes and perches in that tree is an evil spirit. This pastor, symbolized by the tree, becomes the bride of an evil spirit. If that is the case, then aren’t that pastor’s biblical interpretations, which originate from an evil spirit (the groom), really the wine of adultery. Whoever drinks the wine of adultery becomes a child of the devil. Their own spirit simply dies. There is only one book of God that is revealed. The one book is given to one pastor, and that one pastor preaches its content (Rv 1:2; Rv 10; Rv 22:16). Can you still choose the commentaries of men over the revealed word of God? Believers must judge for themselves.
A man named Shin, who used to be a member of Shinchonji Church of Jesus (SCJ), chose the wrong path out of his lust for power and authority (Jas 1:15). He wanted to take over SCJ after getting rid of our chairman. He claimed that SCJ people should eat the flesh and drink the blood of the SCJ chairman to have salvation. He claimed that we should pray in the name of the SCJ chairman for for our prayers to be answered. Mr. Shin even suggested these things directly to the chairman, but when the chairman rebuked him he formed his own sect through a coup d´etat.
As a result of these actions, Mr. Shin was expelled from SCJ. SCJ has established precise regulations about maintaining its finances in a righteous way. All bank accounts must be created under the name of SCJ Church of Jesus, not under the name of an individual. In spite of this rule, Mr. Shin had created several bank accounts under his own name. In addition, Mr. Shin’s sermons were based mainly on biblical commentaries instead of the revealed word. He even encouraged other SCJ members to study the commentaries. SCJ educators teach only the Bible and the revealed word. SCJ sermons are based only on the Bible, not on biblical commentaries. Mr. Shin acted this way in full knowledge that biblical commentaries are prohibited in SCJ. Can we say that his life of faith was carried out according to the will of God?
These days, Mr. Shin is conducting seminars with the pastor responsible for the infamous conversion education program. He has been speaking about the commentaries in those seminars as well. Do you think the people who listen to his seminars, who drink that kind of wine, can have salvation?
It is only when Christians believe in and act upon the revealed word from heaven instead of the commentaries, that they can enter their hope. We in SCJ sincerely pray for all of you.
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