2012년 9월 24일 월요일

[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] MBC PD Note‘s false broadcast and the truth

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
 – The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

MBC PD Note‘s false broadcast and the truth
If the media of a nation is upright, its nation and citizens will also be upright. No one should plant lies in peoples’ hearts nor should any lies be allowed to remain undisclosed. A public broadcast must not convey lies, and any false broadcasts should be shut down.Any false information that is broadcast via TV or radio must be corrected.
Twice, once on May 8th and once on Dec 25th, 2007, the program PD Note from the Korean TV broadcasting company MBC aired a program about Shinchonji Church of Jesus. The program focused on false reports of Shinchonji members abandoning their homes, breaking up their families, imprisoning and assaulting others, and embezzling money.
We at Shinchonji have evidence that proves the MBC PD Note broadcast to be false.

Both secular and Christian media groups have agreed with us on several occasions that the MBC PD Note program was full of lies. These other members of the press have officially broadcasted that MBC PD Note failed to convey accurate information about Shinchonji. Furthermore, prosecutors and police officers have also investigated this case and they have cleared Shinchonji of all suspicion. In utter disregard for this reality, MBC PD Note has refused to air a correction.
Since the PD Note broadcast has been proven to be false, all the spiteful comments regarding Shinchonji that have been posted in response on Internet cafes and church web sites should be deleted.
The following account reveals how MBC created their false broadcast about Shinchonji.

Mr. Shin was once a head pastor at one of the churches that belongs to the 12 tribes of Shinchonji Church of Jesus. He denied Jesus’ flesh and blood, Jesus’ words of promise, and even Jesus himself (Jn 6:51-57; Jn 14:13-14). Out of his greed for becoming the leader of Shinchonji by getting rid of its chairman, Mr. Shin created a DVD full of lies. He was finally expelled from Shinchonji for trying to organize this coup d'etat. After being expelled, Mr. Shin began to collaborate with Mr. Jin, who is a pastor known as an expert on cults. Mr. Jin has been performing conversion education programs, which are supposedly designed to bring Shinchonji members back to his denomination. Mr. Shin gave false information about Shinchinji to MBC PD Note. MBC PD Note followed Shin’s and Jin’s lead by implying on their program that Shinchonji has caused its members all sorts of family problems. In truth, all these problems arose because the actions of Mr. Shin and Mr. Jin. MBC PD Note has also disgraced itself by broadcasting baseless lies about embezzlement.
Mr. Jin and his followers have committed several illegal actions. They have demanded excessive amounts of money from the families of so-called Shinchonji victims for helping their family members escape (i.e. converting people from Shinchonji to a more “suitable” denomination). They forced victims to give up their studies and quit their jobs by locking them up during their conversion education programs. Mr. Jin and his followers have violated peoples’ freedom of religion, which is one of the most basic of human rights.
Roughly 100 Shinchonji members have returned to Shinchonji after being forced to attend the conversion education programs. After their return they have reported on the unlawful actions of Mr. Jin and his followers.
Having been deceived by the conversion education pastors, the parents of these young victims have forced them to give up their life of faith in Shinchonji. With utter disregard for the victims’ own feelings, their families have even imprisoned and beat them into submission. Often these continual assaults force the victims to run away from their own homes. The conversion education has caused so much dissension among family members that many families have become permanently broken. Their actions are only focused on converting people, and in this way they follow the traditions of Calvinism. Their actions disrupt societal order and harm Christianity.

If MBC PD Note wants to stand upright, they should broadcast a correction regarding the lies they told about Shinchonji. For the sake of this country and its citizens, they must stop hurting innocent believers. They should take responsibility for their actions and broadcast the truth.

[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] The people of heaven who are born again

Link - http://scjbible.tv
Link - http://www.scjnews.com

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji 
– The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

There are two kinds of seed: the seed of heaven and the seed of the earth. There are people born in heaven and people born on the earth. The one who comes from above speaks of what he has seen and heard in heaven, but the one who comes from the earth speaks of what he has seen and heard on the earth (Jn 3:31-34). This is how those who are born of the holy spirit are different from those who are born of the flesh.
It is through God’s seed and holy spirit that Christians are able to believe in Jesus and be born again (Jn 3:5-61 Pet 1:23). People who have not been born again yet claim to believe are mere flesh born of the world (i.e. the earth). The mind of a sinful person cannot know the work of the holy spirit (Rom 8:5-11).
Buddhist monks shave their heads and go to temples in the mountains; they leave the world behind for the sake of their faith. The monks spend their days together at the temples, praying and committing themselves to live with Buddha. We can see similar devotion in Catholicism. Catholic priests and nuns make a similar commitment to leave the world behind them. They devote their entire lives at a monastery or a nunnery, praying to and meditating on the Lord of heaven. Their lives of faith are different from the way they lived before making such a spiritual commitment. Both groups live a new life, and they are “born again” as they commit themselves to Buddha or to the Lord of heaven. If their commitment is what the Lord of heaven wants, the Lord must be with them, and they, too, will be in the Lord.
Jesus sent out 70 disciples for evangelism purposes (Lk 10:1-2). The disciples returned with joy saying, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name!” Jesus replied, “Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names stand written in heaven,” (Lk 10:17-20). Jesus also said, “If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as its own. However, because you do not belong to the world, but I chose you out of the world, for this reason the world hates you,” (Jn 15:19). God, the kingdom of heaven, and the angels came to Jesus during the time of the first coming (Matt 13:24Matt 3:16Lk 3:22). For this reason, going to Jesus was the same as going to heaven and to God (Jn 14:6). Let us consider what the New Testament declares about God, Jesus, and the kingdom of heaven. The New Testament says that God, Jesus, and the kingdom of heaven descend upon the one who overcomes (Rev 3:12). If this is what the scriptures state, where must we go to meet God, Jesus, and heaven at the time of the second coming? Everyone who truly believes in the Bible should judge for him and herself and believe the truth.

Protestants today should stop denouncing Buddhism, Confucianism, Catholicism, and other newly rising denominations as “cults.” Instead of throwing stones at others, they should examine themselves whether their knowledge and actions surpass that of those whom they call heretics.
In their hearts, true believers must leave the sinful world and dwell in the Lord of heaven. The scriptures declare that friendship with the world is hostility toward God (Jam 4:4). We must resemble Apostle Paul and Apostle John, who received the revelation from heaven instead of the words of the world. Persecuting, criticizing, cursing, insulting, committing spiritual murder, lying to deceive others, and carrying out lawless acts must stop. These kinds of actions must be prohibited. Instead, through justice, love, forgiveness, faith, modesty, and mercy, let us become the light which reveals God’s truth to all people. Let us willingly offer our service and bless others to become believers acknowledged by God.
If we call Buddhist monks and Catholic priests and nuns heretics while our actions prove to be no better than theirs, what will God think of us? Just look at the Internet, it is obvious that the sheer volume of insults, curses, criticism, and persecution out there outweighs the words of truth. How can all these words of persecution be the words of righteousness? How can they be the Lord’s teaching?

Shouldn’t we speak words of righteousness and blessing instead of words that promote curses and persecution? Anyone who does not yet know the truth about righteousness can easily acquire the proper knowledge by asking and learning. How can we talk about others while we ourselves are not yet perfect? No one can pass judgment without verifying for themselves first. We must regard God’s point of view and his word as our standard for judgment rather than relying on our own standards.

To fulfill the Lord’s will, true believers must become citizens of heaven born again through the word and the holy spirit. We must leave the sinful world behind and live in the Lord. We must become people who do the work of the Lord on his behalf.

[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] The people of heaven who are born again

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji 
– The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

There are two kinds of seed: the seed of heaven and the seed of the earth. There are people born in heaven and people born on the earth. The one who comes from above speaks of what he has seen and heard in heaven, but the one who comes from the earth speaks of what he has seen and heard on the earth (Jn 3:31-34). This is how those who are born of the holy spirit are different from those who are born of the flesh.
It is through God’s seed and holy spirit that Christians are able to believe in Jesus and be born again (Jn 3:5-61 Pet 1:23). People who have not been born again yet claim to believe are mere flesh born of the world (i.e. the earth). The mind of a sinful person cannot know the work of the holy spirit (Rom 8:5-11).

Buddhist monks shave their heads and go to temples in the mountains; they leave the world behind for the sake of their faith. The monks spend their days together at the temples, praying and committing themselves to live with Buddha. We can see similar devotion in Catholicism. Catholic priests and nuns make a similar commitment to leave the world behind them. They devote their entire lives at a monastery or a nunnery, praying to and meditating on the Lord of heaven. Their lives of faith are different from the way they lived before making such a spiritual commitment. Both groups live a new life, and they are “born again” as they commit themselves to Buddha or to the Lord of heaven. If their commitment is what the Lord of heaven wants, the Lord must be with them, and they, too, will be in the Lord.
Jesus sent out 70 disciples for evangelism purposes (Lk 10:1-2). The disciples returned with joy saying, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name!” Jesus replied, “Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names stand written in heaven,” (Lk 10:17-20). Jesus also said, “If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as its own. However, because you do not belong to the world, but I chose you out of the world, for this reason the world hates you,” (Jn 15:19). God, the kingdom of heaven, and the angels came to Jesus during the time of the first coming (Matt 13:24Matt 3:16Lk 3:22). For this reason, going to Jesus was the same as going to heaven and to God (Jn 14:6). Let us consider what the New Testament declares about God, Jesus, and the kingdom of heaven. The New Testament says that God, Jesus, and the kingdom of heaven descend upon the one who overcomes (Rev 3:12). If this is what the scriptures state, where must we go to meet God, Jesus, and heaven at the time of the second coming? Everyone who truly believes in the Bible should judge for him and herself and believe the truth.

Protestants today should stop denouncing Buddhism, Confucianism, Catholicism, and other newly rising denominations as “cults.” Instead of throwing stones at others, they should examine themselves whether their knowledge and actions surpass that of those whom they call heretics.
In their hearts, true believers must leave the sinful world and dwell in the Lord of heaven. The scriptures declare that friendship with the world is hostility toward God (Jam 4:4). We must resemble Apostle Paul and Apostle John, who received the revelation from heaven instead of the words of the world. Persecuting, criticizing, cursing, insulting, committing spiritual murder, lying to deceive others, and carrying out lawless acts must stop. These kinds of actions must be prohibited. Instead, through justice, love, forgiveness, faith, modesty, and mercy, let us become the light which reveals God’s truth to all people. Let us willingly offer our service and bless others to become believers acknowledged by God.
If we call Buddhist monks and Catholic priests and nuns heretics while our actions prove to be no better than theirs, what will God think of us? Just look at the Internet, it is obvious that the sheer volume of insults, curses, criticism, and persecution out there outweighs the words of truth. How can all these words of persecution be the words of righteousness? How can they be the Lord’s teaching?
Shouldn’t we speak words of righteousness and blessing instead of words that promote curses and persecution? Anyone who does not yet know the truth about righteousness can easily acquire the proper knowledge by asking and learning. How can we talk about others while we ourselves are not yet perfect? No one can pass judgment without verifying for themselves first. We must regard God’s point of view and his word as our standard for judgment rather than relying on our own standards.

To fulfill the Lord’s will, true believers must become citizens of heaven born again through the word and the holy spirit. We must leave the sinful world behind and live in the Lord. We must become people who do the work of the Lord on his behalf.

2012년 9월 19일 수요일

[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] The evidence of Revelation

Link - http://scjbible.tv
Link - http://scjnews.net

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji 
– The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

Coming to and working through Jesus according to prophecies, God completely fulfilled the promises he made in the Old Testament (Isa 29:9-14; Hab 2:2-3; Eze 1-3; Jn 19:30).
According to these reference scriptures, no one was able to fathom the word of revelation that God was going to fulfill. When God came to Jesus, the word that had been sealed became a revelation (Matt 15:24; Matt 11:27). Awhile after Jesus ascended to heaven, he returned to his disciple John to give him a revelation. For most people Revelation is the most mysterious book in the Bible. Pastors are always trying to research the meaning of the book of Revelation, but they always end up creating their own meaning, which they assume to be true. In spite of their attempts, however, all of their interpretations have proven to be false.

John did not go into exile on the island of Patmos after the events of Rev 1-3. The correct understanding of Rev 1-3 is that John received his revelation while in exile on the island of Patmos. The location of Rev 2 and 3 is the same location as the location of Rev 4-22.
Rev 5 says that no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open or even look inside the scroll sealed with seven seals that lay in God’s hand. Jesus became the only one who was able to break the seven seals because he was victorious. Jesus gave the opened scroll to an angel, and the angel gave it to Apostle John. Having eaten that scroll, John has been preaching the word to those whom he was commanded to go (Rev 10).

This was all part of the prophecy that had to be fulfilled, but now it is being fulfilled before our eyes. Anyone, except for the Apostle John-figure pastor, who claims to know and understand the prophecies of Revelation is lying and acting counter to God’s plan. There is only one pastor promised in the New Testament who has received the opened scroll; there is only one promised temple to which all nations must come and worship God (Rev 15:4-5). When Revelation is fulfilled, God’s promised kingdom and priests are the 12 tribes mentioned in Rev 7. These 12 tribes are created after the previous heaven comes to an end (Rev 6). The 144,000 are the priests, after the sealing of the 144,000, the great multitude in white robes also receive salvation as the people of the kingdom. They will return to God after hearing the word of revelation (i.e. the revealed word). When all of these events finally take place, all the entities prophesied in Revelation will have finally appeared. Anything and anybody not established through the blood of promise are false; they are anti-christs.

Any lawless organizations or actions that go against the word of God will be cursed (Isa 8:20-22). For this reason, we need to be on guard against such organizations and actions. People should come to Shinchonji seeking advice before deciding to promote such lawlessness. Since Shinchonji holds the revelation that has come from above, anyone who comes to Shinchonji seeking advice will be able to view him or herself according to the Bible and be able to understand the will of heaven. Anyone who is deceived by lies, plagiarizes the truth, or attempts to create the 12 tribes through their own power is nothing but an anti-christ. We should refrain from such lawless actions. Anyone who carries out the work of lawlessness will be judged according to the scriptures (Jn 12:48; Rev 20:12; Rev 22:18).

[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] Persecution and a true life of faith

Link = http://scjbible.tv
Link2 = http://scjnews.net

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji 
– The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

Persecution and a true life of faith
Although we cannot see God, we believe in him through his word. We believe in God and his word because God's prophecies, which were given at various times over the last 6,000 years, have been and are being fulfilled. The fulfillment has become the evidence that allows us to believe in God.
There are people who truly believe in the words that God and Jesus promised in the New Testament, and there are others who claim to believe while persecuting the true believers (Matt 5:10-12).

In the time of the Old Testament, the Egyptians did not believe in God and persecuted the Physical Israelites, who were God’s chosen people (Exo 1-5). At the time of the first coming, instead of believing in Jesus, who came as spiritual Israel, the Physical Israelites persecuted him and his followers (Matt 5; Matt 7; Jn 8; Acts 7:51-52). Today, in the same way, the vast majority of Korean Christians have failed to believe in the fulfillment of the New Testament prophecies. Instead of believing, they are persecuting Shinchonji Church of Jesus, which has been created in fulfillment of the promises in the Bible.
Shouldn't we see the faith of those who persecute and those who are persecuted from a biblical point of view? God and his son Jesus said in the scriptures that those who lie to, persecute, and curse others are false believers who belong to the devil (Matt 7:1-6; Jn 8:44). Just as the Jewish elders, priests, and people at the time of the first coming persecuted Jesus and his followers instead of believing, most Korean pastors and congregation members are persecuting Shinchonji by posting derogatory, libelous statements on their web pages and in Internet cafes.

Although many Shinchonji members have read those persecutory words, we will not waver. How can we stand firm? We know that those derogatory words did not come from God; we know God has nothing whatsoever to do with the persecution. All words of persecution and insults originate with the devil. Those who are persecuted are the people of heaven. They are the believers who will receive the blessings of heaven. If you look at people's actions and deeds in the way Jn 15:18-20 and Matt 5:1-10 point out, you will learn to recognize a tree by its fruit (Matt 7:15-20; Lk 6:43-45).
The words of God are life (Jn 1:1-4), and the words of persecution are death. With which word must we side to receive blessings (Deut 30:19-20)? Did God not command us to forgive, love, and bless others (Matt 18; 1 Jn 4)?

True believers, therefore, do not allow themselves to become victims of the slanderous words even if they read them. Because the persecutors belong to the devil, they follow the will his when they oppress others. If the work of persecution is performed by the devil, not by God, should we abandon the word, faith, and righteousness just because of receiving persecution? The words of persecution are not the truth. They are nothing but the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They are given by the serpent to harm our faith, and this is why we must refuse them (Gen 2:17).
Who believes the lies and insulting words created by the devil? If the Bible and Jesus' commandments were in their hearts, and if they were true believers, how could they post such disparaging comments on the Internet?
Shinchonji people, however, are keeping the words and commandments of God (Jn 14:23; Rev 1:1-3).

[Shinchonji-LeeManHee] Persecutors who curse others and the savior who blesses

Link = http://scjbible.tv
Link = http://scjnews.net

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji 
– The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

Persecutors who curse others and the savior who blesses
The New Testament prophesied about the appearance of both persecutors and the savior. Just as the first coming fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies (Jn 19:30), these two groups will act according to the New Testament prophecies when the time of fulfillment comes. How, then, can we distinguish the persecutors from the savior? The Bible says in Matt 7:15-20 that we will be able to recognize them by their fruit (actions).
Why do persecutors persecute and slander others (Matt 5:10-12; Matt 7:1-5)? According to 2 Thes 2:9-10, people who have evil spirits inside them come displaying all kinds of counterfeit signs and miracles in accordance with the work of Satan. The one with the God’s holy spirit comes in accordance with righteousness and truth. If a person’s spirit is dead, he or she will be unable to understand.
God’s son Jesus testified about God, God’s word, heaven, and eternity (Jn 12:49-50). These are the kinds of things for which believers should hope (Jn 6:51-57; Jn 8:45-55; 1 Cor 15:51-54; Rev 21:1-6). In the time of the first coming, the Jews slandered Jesus by calling him a cult leader, Beelzebub, and demon-possessed just because he proclaimed the truth about heaven and eternity (Matt 12:22-28; Acts 24:5). Which spirits do you think were working through these people?

We must see God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit according to the Bible. In the scriptures, we can also see two witnesses who stand before the Lord of the earth (Zec 4; Rev 11) and a son who sits on the throne of Jesus (Rev 3:21). We must understand that this son is the one who overcomes. He is not God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. We must not misunderstand this point or else we will commit the sin of blasphemy against the Spirit.
A man named Mr. Shin has betrayed Shinchonji and united with the Christian Council of Korea. They are making up all kinds of lies to persecute Shinchonji chairman Lee Man-Hee. It is their wish to make the world see our chairman as a crazy person who thinks he is Jesus or the spirit of God. This all stems from their ignorance of the Bible. Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity. Likewise, Jesus is also the founder of Shinchonji Church of Jesus. In spite of all our attempts to correct them, they continue to tell lies making Lee Man-Hee out to be the founder and saying that our congregation members can be saved by eating his flesh and drinking his blood. They claim that Shinchonji people even pray in the name of Lee Man-Hee. These are all baseless lies.

Lots slanderous comments have been posted on the Internet. Who is doing such a thing? Where does the Bible say people should do this? The Bible tells us that those who lie belong to Satan and that we should not judge others (Matt 5:10-12; Matt 7:1-5; Jn 8:44). These slanderous comments, therefore, must have been made by those who belong to Satan. Jesus commanded us to love, forgive, and bless others. Is that what they are doing? They call themselves orthodox. They claim to be saved before the prophecies of betrayal, destruction and salvation are fulfilled. These are pure lies, but this is why Jesus prophesied that there would be lots of deception and many trials on the earth at the end of the age (Matt 24:3-4; Rev 3:10). The slanderous words that are posted on the Internet are lawless acts for which these people will be judged in the end. Believers should be able to discern whether these comments came from God or Satan by using the Bible as a standard. The pastors of the world fight against Shinchonji, not because it is a cult, but because do not want their congregation members to leave them and follow the real truth.
According to a poll conducted by the National Statistical Office of Korea, the number of Christians in Korea was estimated to be 8.6 million. This number reveals a dramatic decline when compared to the 12 million members about which Korean churches previously boasted. What do you think happened? The beginning of this decline can be traced back to the 90’s, when the Christian Council of Korea began to crack down on churches they felt were cults. They held seminars for pastors and lay people that were led by pastors who claimed to specialize in identifying cults. Many of the 3 million Christians who have left Presbyterian churches moved to Catholic churches. Others have come to Shinchonji, and still others have completely abandoned their religion. What is the root cause? The fact is that the bible colleges have no word; they have no truth.

We, at Shinchonji Church of Jesus, are enlightening people with the word of truth. We pray that you too will receive the truth and be saved.